The EMERGENCY Education Division of PSS is responsible for the management of emergencies. Obviously at the center of his attentions there are medical emergencies related to underwater activity, but just to give the maximum validity to the “relief chain” in every situation have been structured also of a different nature, such as those at the basic level of First Aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation. The main references of PSS are the regulations of the I.R.C. (Italian Resuscitation Coucil) body that collaborates with E.R.C. (European Resuscitation Coucil) and the A.H.A. (American Heart Association) to the continuous updating and teaching of resuscitation and first aid procedures. Each diver should be trained in First Aid-CPR techniques and Oxygen administration. Among other things, the administration of oxygen as first aid in case of decompression accidents is the standard of intervention expected worldwide, because it is now shown that the administration of normobaric oxygen from the first minutes of the accident Allows a higher probability of recovery. Many countries in agreement with the indications of the international scientific medical companies, obligate to equip the boats which provide services to the divers with a Kit for the administration of oxygen for the first aid. The principle is simple: to administer early oxygen, in all those situations that can create conditions of lack of oxygen in the tissues, as in the pathology from decompression or in the drowning, prevents further damage. The Emergency courses are open to:
- Divers
- Non-Divers
- Companies to have certification of law 626
First AID: The first aid Course FIRS AID C.P.R. (First Aid – cardiopulmonary resuscitation) is the first step towards a specific rescue training. First aid patent and cardiopulmonary resuscitation necessary for the continuation of the teaching career. oriented, but not exclusively, to the traumas deriving from the underwater activity: we can in fact find ourselves actors of a first aid also in the daily life, inside House or on the street. There are 6 hours of theory, 6 hours of practical activity. At the end of the course will be issued an international patent with validity Biennial. OXYGEN ADMINISTRATION in UNDERWATER EMERGENCIES: The Course Oxygen in Diving Emergencies is specifically studied in relation to underwater emergencies, and in particular to those situations where the administration of normobaric oxygen (pressure Environment) brings undoubted benefit and increases the chances and chances of recovering the injured diver. The course develops in seven modules: After an introduction dedicated to underwater emergencies and the use of oxygen, the second and third chapters represent a review and a deepening of the basic knowledge necessary in the first aid; The next two explain the rational use of normobaric oxygen in underwater emergencies; The last two illustrate the available principals and the correct technique for proper administration of oxygen in different situations. There are 3 hours of theory, 3 hours of practical activity. At the end of the course will be issued an international patent with validity Biennial.